Reminder & New COVID guidelines FAQ
We look forward to welcoming our students and staff back to school tomorrow! We know this winter break has included a number of communications as we work to implement updated health & safety guidance in the changing environment. We wanted to share a few quick reminders and more information for those that may have questions:
- Please remember to have any students or staff take the at-home rapid test today or tomorrow morning before returning to school!
- If you have return-to-school questions because an individual or someone in your household has been positive or is a close contact, please reference this FAQ (English | Spanish).
Please remember to contact your primary care provider first for anyone that is positive or symptomatic.
We also know that there have been questions about masks. There are no required changes to our mask policy for tomorrow, only recommendations. Please refer to our update on Friday, 12/31 for that recommendation or tune in Tuesday, January 4th at 4:30pm for a special Facebook live to answer your questions.
We ask for your grace tomorrow morning as we stand up new protocols. Our nurses and school teams will inevitably be very busy in the morning and will be doing their best to reply to all inquiries. Please review the FAQ and guidance before asking for specific information to help us manage responses.
Thank you for your continued partnership and understanding as we do our best to make this work!