Partnership with Building 21
Building 21 is a nonprofit organization that we have partnered with reimagining our education pathways to meet the needs of all learners. We have worked together to create more personalized learning experiences for our students by nurturing relationships, encouraging passions, and rethinking assessment.
Beacon Learning – our innovative platform that tracks student learning and progress in our NLIS competency framework in real time that is both student and educator friendly.
Partnership with Root
Root is an organization in Salem that offers a youth development program. It is a 12 week program with a focus on gaining employment skills especially within the food service industry. The students participate in regular seminars and skill based training leading to an internship and earning the food safe certifications which increase a student’s marketability for jobs within the industry. This program is another employment/training option for NLIS students while attending school. However, because of the time requirements of the program, students leave school early, which may result in it taking longer to graduate. Our Employment and Postgraduate Planning Specialist can help connect interested students to Root